To get detailed information about a function, click its name in the first column.
Returns TRUE if all of its arguments are TRUE
Applies a LAMBDA to each column and returns an array of the results
Applies a LAMBDA to each row and returns an array of the results
Returns the logical value FALSE
Specifies a logical test to perform
Returns a value you specify if a formula evaluates to an error; otherwise, returns the result of the formula
Returns the value you specify if the expression resolves to #N/A, otherwise returns the result of the expression
Checks whether one or more conditions are met and returns a value that corresponds to the first TRUE condition.
Create custom, reusable functions and call them by a friendly name
Assigns names to calculation results
Returns a calculated array of a specified row and column size, by applying a LAMBDA
Returns an array formed by mapping each value in the array(s) to a new value by applying a LAMBDA to create a new value
Reverses the logic of its argument
Returns TRUE if any argument is TRUE
Reduces an array to an accumulated value by applying a LAMBDA to each value and returning the total value in the accumulator
Scans an array by applying a LAMBDA to each value and returns an array that has each intermediate value
Evaluates an expression against a list of values and returns the result corresponding to the first matching value. If there is no match, an optional default value may be returned.
Returns the logical value TRUE
Returns a logical exclusive OR of all arguments
Important: The calculated results of formulas and some Excel worksheet functions may differ slightly between a Windows PC using x86 or x86-64 architecture and a Windows RT PC using ARM architecture. Learn more about the differences.