
iii) Give the advantages of using Farm Yard Manure over fertilizer:

  1. Give the disadvantages of using farm yard manure
  1. d) i) State the factors to consider when citing a compost pit.
  1. Describe how to make compost manure
  1. i) How is green manuring done on the farm?
  1. List the characteristics of green manure crops:
  1. a) Classify fertilizers by nutrient content.
  1. b) i) Name the common nitrogenous fertilizers.
  1. State properties of nitrogenous fertilizers/ (characteristics)
  1. c) i) Name the common phosphatic fertilizers:
  1. When are they applied and why at the time?
  1. i) Name the common potassic fertilizers
  1. Characteristics:
  1. i) What is fertilizer application?
  1. List the methods of fertilizer application:
  1. i) Calculate the amount of K2O (potassium chloride) contained in 400 kg of a compound fertilizer 25:10:5 – 5kg of K2O is contained in 100kg of 25:10:5

Therefore: 400kg of fertilizer contains (400 x 5) = 20kg of K2O

  1. A farmer is to apply a compound fertilizer 20:30:10 on a vegetable plot measuring 5 metres long by 4 metres wide, at the rate of 200kg per hectare.
  2. Calculate the amount of the fertilizer the farmer would require for the plot. (show your working)
  1. What do the figures 20, 30 and 10 in the fertilizer stand for
  1. a) i) State the importance of the nitrogen cycle
Nitrogen in atmosphere
  1. b) i) State the importance of carbon cycle
  1. How can carbon be restored to the atmosphere?
  1. a) i) Define crop propagation.
  1. What are the methods of crop propagation?
  1. b) i) List the different methods of vegetative propagation:
  1. State advantages of vegetative propagation.
  1. i) What are the advantages of seed propagation
  1. State the disadvantages of seed propagation
  1. i) Give the advantages of early planting
  1. State the factors to consider when selecting seeds or other planting materials for planting
  1. What practices are carried out for seeds to ensure that they germinate?
  1. i) List the methods of planting
  1. State the advantages of row planting.
  1. What factors determine crop spacing?
  1. State the advantages of correct spacing
  1. Why is correct plant population necessary?
  1. Name the treatments necessary on planting materials before planting?
  1. List the field practices on crops;
  1. i) What is crop rotation?
  1. Why is crop rotation important?
  1. Why is it important to include a grass loy in a rotation programme?
  1. i) What factors influence the time and stage at which crops are harvested?
  1. Mention the harvesting methods
  1. Why dry grains before storage?
  1. What factors are considered when grading crops for market?
  1. i) List the various storage structures on farms
  1. State the problems farmers face in storage of produce from farms.
  1. a) What is a nursery?
  1. State the reasons for using a nursery.
  1. State the nurseries management practices.
  1. Explain the following nursery practices.
  2. i) Pricking out.
  1. Hardening off.
  1. a) i) What is health and diseases
  1. State the importance of keeping livestock healthy
  1. List the causes of animal diseases:
  1. What are the categories of diseases?
  1. State the general methods of disease control.
  1. a) What is a parasite?
  1. i) What are external parasites?
  1. State examples of external parasites:
  1. List the harmful effects of external parasites.
  1. i) State the categories of tick.
  1. ii) Give the stage of tick’s life cycle in proper order

iii) How are ticks controlled?

  1. i) What are internal parasites?
  1. Give examples of internal parasites
  1. State the methods of controlling internal parasites of livestock.
  1. Why should drenching alone not be an affective control measure for livestock
  1. a) What is nutrition?
  1. Describe the various nutritional elements:
  2. i) Carbohydrates
  1. Proteins
  1. Explain what the following means:
  2. i) Concentrates
  1. Roughage
  1. What is a ration?
  1. Explain the meaning and importance of.
  2. i) Balanced ration
  1. Production ration:
  1. State the desirable characteristics of a livestock ration:
  1. a) i) Outline the main differences between ruminants and non-ruminants
  1. Draw a ruminant stomach e.g cow and explain the functions of the four chambers.
  1. How is grass digested in the rumen of an adult ruminant?
  1. State the functions of the following parts of poultry digestive system.
  2. i) Crop
  1. ii) Gizzard
  1. a) i) Draw the reproductive system of a hen and explain the stage taken during

the formation of an egg.

Uterus/ shell gland

Fallopian tube.


Vagina and Vulva.

  1. b) i) What is selection in animal breeding?
  1. State the factors to consider during selection.
  1. i) What is breeding?
  1. ii) State the importance of breeding.
  1. i) What is natural mating?
  1. State its advantages
  1. i) Grading up
  1. Line breeding



What is hybrid vigour?

  1. Outcrossing




  1. i) What is artificial insemination?
  1. State its advantages.
  1. a) Discuss sheep management from selection of breeding stock to lambing.
  2. i) Selection of breeding stock.
  1. Breeding
  1. Lambing management.
  1. Disease the management of lambs from birth upto and including weaning.
  1. a) i) Describe the factors to consider when selecting a gilt for breeding.
  1. What characteristics should be considered when selecting a breeding boar?
  1. What preparations should be carried out for a sow one weak before she farrows?
  1. Discuss the management of piglets from farrowing to weaning time.
  1. How would you rear a gilt from weaning time to the time it farrows?
  1. i) Give the reasons for culling a breeding boar.
  1. Why should a breeding sow be culled?
  1. a) Why are goats suited to most parts of Kenya?
  1. What are the various management practices a goat farmer should carry out?
  1. Give the methods of improving dairy goats.
  1. a) State the factors that should be considered when selecting rabbits for breeding.
  1. Why is it important that rabbits are fed on a balanced diet?
  1. List the heat signs in a doe.
  1. Name the types of rabbits keeping.
  1. State the general routine management practices necessary to protect rabbits from diseases and parasites.
  1. a) State the uses of bees on the farm.
  1. Give the functions of the various classes of bees found in a beehive.
  1. How can bees be attracted to a hive?
  1. i) When is it recommended to harvest honey?
  1. State why smoke should be used when harvesting honey, but not fire.
  1. i) Name diseases of bees.
  1. Give examples of pests of bees.
  1. What makes the camel suited to living and working in desert conditions?
  1. Mention the uses of donkeys.
  1. b) What management practices are necessary to enable a donkey work
  1. a) i) Explain cropping in fish farming.
  1. What is fish harvesting?
  1. List the features that are necessary in fish-pond construction.
  1. Explain the maintenance practices necessary for a fish pond.
  1. a) i) How can skin of an animal be damaged while animal is still alive?
  1. State the treatment given to hides and skins after flaying.
  1. b) i) Give reasons why honey harvesting at night is not encouraged.
  1. Describe the procedure of harvesting honey.
  1. iv) What factors influence the quality of honey?
  1. c) Describe hoe to kill and prepare a rabbit carcass
  1. i) State the difference between wool and hair.
  1. What is fleece?
  1. List the precautions to be taken during the sheep shearing process to ensure goodquality wool
  1. How are fish processed before cooking?
  1. ii) List the methods of preserving fish before sale to consumers


  1. a) Define farm layout
  1. What is a good layout
  1. State the factors to consider when planning the layout of a mixed farm.
  1. a) List the common structures found on the farm.
  1. Explain the factors to be considered in constructing a farm structure
  2. i) Sitting
  1. Materials
  1. Future expansion
  1. State the factors to consider when selecting materials to construct farm structures.
  1. i) Name the types of fences used on farms.
  1. State the advantages of barbed wire fence and any of its disadvantages in livestock farming.


  1. Describe the uses of farm fences.
  1. What maintenance practices are carried out on farm fences?
  1. State the uses of a crush.
  1. (i) Name the main sections of a cattle dip stating its functions.
  1. State the main use of a dip.
  1. State the factors to consider when planning to construct a grain store.
  1. i) State the features of an ideal calf porn
  1. What facts influence siting of calf pens?
  1. Name the types of calf pens.
  1. i) What are the requirements for constructing a poultry house for deep litter system?
  1. Give the maintenance practices necessary in a dip litter poultry house.
  1. i) State the factors to consider in siting a rabbit hutch.
  1. What factors should be considered in selecting the construction materials?
  1. State the reasons for raising rabbit hutches above ground level.
  1. i) State the factors to consider when designing a piggery to ensure good health of pigs.
  1. a) State the reasons why maintenance of farm structures is important.
  1. a) i) What is land tenure?
  1. List the land tenure
  1. i) What is land refers?
  1. State the methods of land refers.
  1. i) Distinguish between settlement and resettlement.
  1. State the objectives of settlement and resettlement
  1. a) i) What is soil erosion?
  1. Name the types of soil erosion.
  1. i) What is soil conservation
  1. State the reasons for soil conservation
  1. List the methods of soil and water conservation.
  1. a) What is a weed?
  1. List the economic classes caused by weeds.

Includes mulching, cover cropping, field hygiene, timely planting, crop rotation, using clean planting materials, etc.

  1. Mechanical:
  1. a) i) What is a crop pest?
  1. ii) Name the categories of crop pest?
  1. What is integrated pest management?
  1. i) What is a plant disease.
  1. Name the disease causing factors in crops.
  1. Discuss the growing of the following crops.
  2. Sorghum
  3. i) Seedbed preparation
  1. Planting
  1. Field management practices
  1. Pests and diseases.
  1. Harvesting
  1. Maize
  2. i) Seedbed preparation
  1. Planting
  1. Field management
  1. Pests control
  1. Disease control
  1. Cassava
  2. i) Basic requirements
  1. Seedbed preparation and planting
  1. Pest control
  1. Harvesting
  1. Millet
  2. i) Basic requirements
  1. Seedbed preparation and planting
  1. Pest control
  1. Disease control
  1. Harvesting
  1. Sweet potatoes
  2. i) Basic requirements
  1. Seedbed preparation and planting
  1. Pest and disease control
  1. i) Areas where grown
  1. Conditions necessary for growing rice.
  1. Fertilizers
  1. Weeds
Pests Control
– Birds – Scaring
– Rice hispid, stem – Spray with BHC, DDT dimention
– Field rats – Field rat poison
Diseases Control
– Rice blast – Use loss nitrogen
– Use resistant varieties
– yellow mottling – Quarantine.
  1. Harvesting
  1. a) What do the following terms mean?
  2. i) Pasture
  1. Forage Crop
  1. Outline the methods that can be used to improve permanent potatoes.
  1. What factors determine the forage crop species to be established at a place?
  1. i) In which form can pasture be considered?
  1. Why is it important to conserve pasture?
  1. a) List the routes though which pathogens can enter the body of an animal.
  1. i) What is immunity?
  1. Name the types of immunity.
  1. Explain the term incubation in livestock diseases
  1. Discuss the following diseases under appropriate sub-headings.
  2. Red water
  3. i) Causal agent
  1. Symptoms
  1. Symptoms
  1. Symptoms
  1. East Cost Fever (ECF)
  2. i) Causal organism
  1. Symptoms
  1. Symptoms
  1. Foot rot disease
  2. i) Cause
  1. Symptoms
  1. Brucellesis (contagious abortion)
  2. i) Cause
  1. Symptoms
  1. a) i) Name the sources of farm power
  1. Mention the ways in which solar energy is used on the farm.
  1. i) What are the requirements for animals used as a source of farm power?
  1. Give the benefits of using animal power on the farm.
  1. i) State the advantages of farm mechanization.
  1. What are its disadvantages?
  1. i) Name the tractor drawn implements.
  1. Name the animal drawn implements.
  1. State the functions of the following parts of a mouldboard plough.
  2. i) Landside
  1. Mouldboard
  1. Share point.
  1. Frog
  1. State the functions of the following principal parts of a disc plough.
  2. i)
  1. Hitch most.
  1. Hub
  1. Crossbar
  1. Hitch point
  1. i) State the sources of tractor hire services
  1. Give the advantages of tractor hire services.


  1. a) Discuss the management of dairy cattle to ensure high milk production.
  2. i) Selection
  1. Breeding management
  1. Housing
  1. Disease and parasite control
  1. General management practices.
  1. Describe the management of a dairy cow from the time of conception until calving (gestation period)
  1. Explain the management practices of a dairy calf from birth until it is ready for the first service.
  1. Describe the procedure of training a calf to drink milk from a bucked after separating it from its mother.
  1. What is zero grazing?
  1. State the advantages of zero grazing
  1. Discuss the management of beef cattle from birth until it is ready to be sold as steer.
  1. a) Describe the preparations one would make before the arrival of day old chicks on the farm.
  1. Discuss the artificial rearing of layer chicks from day old upto the end of brooding.
  1. i) What are growers?
  1. Discuss briefly the rearing of growers upto the point of lay
  1. Describe the management of layers in deep litter system starting from the point of lay.
  1. a) State the tests that should be carried out to determine the quality of fresh eggs.
  1. List the factors that should be considered when grading eggs for marketing.
  1. i) What is candling?
  1. Describe how to candle an egg
  1. Explain the occurrence of double yolked eggs
  1. a) What is milk?
  1. Draw a well labelled diagram of a mammary glad.